Ask Before You Buy
by Marina Prieto 08/14/2021

Photo by Yavyav via Shutterstock
Whatever your priorities are, before you take on the purchase of a home, answer these questions for yourself:
- Why do you want to purchase a house? Is it for financial reasons? Is it less expensive than paying rent? Until you’re certain about your reasons for buying, take it slow and make a plan. It’s your money, your time and your effort that goes into maintaining a home. Buying for the wrong reasons leads to buyers’ remorse and dissatisfaction.
- Where do you want to own a home? Is extra land important to you? Or, do you want to be near other family members? Farther away? Can your lifestyle support the commute? Buying a house that requires an extensive commute changes your life in ways you may not foresee. Moving away from friends, entertainment and shopping areas you enjoy can tarnish the pleasure of a new home. Pick your location based on what you want most, even if it means a smaller house or less land.
- What type of home do you want? Do you prefer a maintenance-free condominium with a view? A single-family home in an HOA-controlled neighborhood? A townhouse with an attached garage and street-level entry? Be clear about what living style suits you. If hearing the neighbor’s alarm clock raises your stress level, a flat-style condominium or attached townhome might not be the best option for you. A duplex with only adjoined garages could fit the bill nicely though. Let your agent know which things are deal-breakers and which are merely preferences.
Once you decide, with absolute certainty, what you want, you can set about finding just the right home in the best location at the correct time and for the optimal price. When it’s right, you’ll know it. Start by finding the right agent. Reach out today for a consultation.