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Always Here Properties, LLC
Marina Prieto, Always Here Properties, LLCPhone: (254) 289-0672
Email: [email protected]

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What Clients Are Saying

" Marina found a home for me to buy  in Killeen once I had a contract for selling my personal home at Breckenridge, Killeen.  She made the buying process go so smoothly!! She had the termite inspection, home inspection, repairs and invoices for all the work that was done. I was nervous about going from  selling one house and buying another home in Killeen  and not sure about the time frame but Marina made it look so easy. I will refer my friends to her!! "


- Valerie Harrell (Seller and Buyer)

" These clients were a personal friend's daughter and they were a pleasure to work with!! They knew what they wanted in a new home and once their home inspection was done and repairs we were ready for closing! Marina was very professional and we would recommend her to all our friends!! "


- Jasmine and Vanessa Hernandez (Buyers)