Ignite FB Tracking Pixel333 Indian Trail, Harker Heights, TX 76548 - Marina Prieto
Always Here Properties, LLC
Marina Prieto, Always Here Properties, LLCPhone: (254) 289-0672
Email: [email protected]

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CommercialFor Sale
333 Indian Trail
Harker Heights, TX 76548
Listing Provided Courtesy of Spradley Properties
MLS: Central Texas MLS
7,700Sq Ft
Est. Mortgage

This property is a total of 7,700 SF. 4,500 SF is vacant office space that has a reception area, 8 private offices, 10 private cubicles, 33' x 7'5" file storage room, 2 restrooms, storage room, utility closet with mop sink, and an IT/mechanical room. The ceilings are 9' with flourescent lighting and ceiling fans. The flooring is stained concrete. There are 3 HVAC units on this side with gas heat. 200 amp main and 3 phase power. The leased space is 3,200 SF (2,500 SF downstairs & 700 SF upstairs). It has a reception area, private workspace, 6 private offices, 1 restroom, a break room and an air conditioned upstairs storage. The flooring is stained concrete with tile in the break room. This space has 2 all electric HVAC units and is separately metered.

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Information courtesy of Spradley Properties is subject to verification and is not guaranteed.
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